Sunday 31 August 2014

Broken heart

"Aku memang dah yakin dengan pilihan aku."

"Serious la hang yakin? Serious ni?!"

"Ha, betoi la. Hang tau dak, dulu waktu pak guard bank aku tu dok mintak-mintak no cenggey (awek) dan dok offer kat aku, aku terpikiaq apa tau? Awek aku tak buat kat aku macam ni, takkan aku nak buat kat dia macam ni?"

I looked to the front, stared blankly at the road. We just had our dinner and on our way home. That words of his felt like the biggest slap I had ever received. Reality finally hit. Tears started to build up and I was on the verge of crying. We were in the car, he was sitting at the back, I was at the front passenger sit and another friend was driving. I couldn't show my tears. Hold it back, that was what I did.

Even now, I am writing this at 6.30 am in the car going on a trip with family, I still have this feeling of disappointment. Tears are like waiting to burst out from these filthy eyes of this sinner. Because that is what I do best, crying my heart out in my silence.

"...Ya Allah, kau berkatilah hubungan kami, aku dan dia. Agar menjadi SAHABAT yang membawa kepada Engkau, bukan sebaliknya...."

A piece of prayer I pray every last sujud of mine.


  1. Cerita tergantung.. Saya bagi D-

  2. just having fun with ur life kay.. anggap je derita itu kunci kepada kebahagiaan pada masa akan datang....

  3. Dah kenapa hide muka org tu ngan sticker gambar babi. Hahahahaha
