Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it!

It is almost the end of 2019. Too many things had happened and I would like to share them here so I can remember them.

February 24th, 2019
I have been working with the same multinational company ever since I graduated. On this historical day in my life, my first time ever, the company announced its closure of the KL site office as they are bringing the operation to India. Reason given was to easily manage operation as they have most of their engineers and specialist there. Reason I believe was Malaysia has become too expensive for the company to continue their operation. With the wage of 1 person here, they can hire probably 2.5 person in India. Yup, I was paid quite high and quite good compared to the rest of my peers at that time.

On the day of the announcement, some of my colleagues cried, some went to get drunk. Me? I was a tiny bit sad and worried. But overall I was doing fine.

April 2nd, 2019
This was my last day at the company. Some hugs and kisses, and that's about it. Alhamdulillah, by this time, I had already went for several interviews and was offered a job, and I took it.

May 6th, 2019
I started my new job. Like any other beginning, it was always very nervous. But I just had to muster up the courage and do a damn good job if I want to stay long there. Of course I had a massive cut on my paycheck, RM1000 (cried blood). Rather than having no work, I still took it. Your man got bills to pay.

July - August 2019
I decided to stop being miserable and started looking for solution. So I went to see a counselor. She helped with my emotions, to come to terms and stuff. After several session, I am getting better at controlling my emotion. I am more stable and started looking at life differently.

Seeing her was the best decision I have made in 2019 despite the horrendous challenges I had the entire year.

The rest of the year was me struggling with lifestyle of a previous paycheck on this lesser paycheck. Barely surviving, struggling, but I insyaAllah I will be fine.

All in all, it was a tough year. Tough times never last, but tough people do. InsyaAllah.

Hoping that 2020 will be a better year for me (despite being no flying car yet).

**Also hoping my blogger friends dari zaman 2011 dulu semua sihat-sihat belaka**